The Ocotlan Zapotec have a population of 18,000 in Mexico, and are also found in Oregon in the USA . Their primary language is Spanish and their primary religion is a mixture of native religious practices and Roman Catholicism. This people group is less than 2% evangelical, but there are now missionaries working to engage them in Mexico.
More information on the Ocotlan Zapotec
More information on the Ocotlan Zapotec in the USA
As you pray for the Ocotlan Zapotec
1. Ask the Father to raise up workers to take them the gospel
2. Ask God to raise up people of peace who will give gospel workers access to their people
3. Ask for open access, as many groups are suspicious of evangelicals
4. Ask for His Holy Spirit to prepare their hearts to receive the gospel
5. Ask that God would highlight those who have immigrated to the USA to churches so that they can be evangelized, discipled, and mobilized to reach their people, both in the USA and Mexico
Photo credit: Jeff Holeman
Hi Jeff, I am in an internship for young men at our church in Oregon. One of our assignments was to choose a UUPG to pray for and practice making a plan for how to reach that people group. As there is a community of Ocatlan Zapotec living in nearby Salem, I chose them for my group. I've been praying for them and trying to learn more about them. I saw that you said there are a few missionaries working them in Mexico. That's awesome! I really want to get into contact with them. I totally understand if you are hesitant to give out contact info, though. I have a heart for these people who live only a half hour away and really want to reach them.